Information about health, social care & education training
What's the Message reference books:
Both books are available through Amazon at £10.05 plus P & P or direct from WTM
Autism and Learning Disabilities
'Really helpful to understand the needs of why people challenge with learning disabilities and autism. Gave me a better insight'.
'Cuts through the jargon that was always so confusing for me. I only wish I'd known about the tips in this book years ago. Can't wait for my training!'
'The highest quality advice, strategies and insight into challenging behaviour. A must have book'.
'The book was fantastic!'
'Found it very useful and have used all the strategies in my work place'
Other information that you may find of interest (click on the link to access resources):
BILD Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards 2019. Commissioned by the NHS, these Standards provide a national and international benchmark for training in supporting people within education, health and social care settings. The Standards will also be mandatory for all training with a restrictive intervention component that is delivered to NHS-commissioned services for people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities, autistic people and people living with dementia in England. Implementation will be via commissioning requirements and inspection frameworks from April 2020.
Schools: SEAL report: Social and emotional aspects to learning. SEAL is “a comprehensive, whole-school approach to promoting the social and emotional skills that underpin effective learning, positive behaviour, regular attendance, staff effectiveness and the emotional health and wellbeing of all who learn and work in schools"
Dementia: Applying all our health: Facts about Dementia from Public Health England
Unexpected Joy: Radio 4 - Four thought. Comedian John Williams talks about his unexpected joy in his autistic son's view of life - "I have learnt far far more about the human condition, and what it truly means to be alive from just being with those with learning disabilities than I have from any eminent teacher or book", said John
Positive and proactive care: Investigations into abuse at Winterbourne View Hospital and Mind’s Mental Health Crisis in Care: physical restraint in crisis (2013) showed that restrictive interventions have not always been used as a last resort in health and care. We use the term 'last resort' but is it really? Without a person specific plan based on at least 70 per cent prevention then the answer is 'no'!
Film about what it's like to have autism: Alex 'I hope it makes people aware of autism'
BBC article: Starring ten year old Alex, who has autism and finds it difficult to cope in busy environments and can get upset if there are too many people or if it's too noisy
Square pegs for square holes: A practical guide for employers to consider how to make adjustments for employees with autism, instead of attempting to force a ‘square peg into a round hole’.
STOMP: Stop over medicating people with learning disabilities, autism - or both: NHS England
Mental Health: The Scottish association of mental health (SAMH) have a range of useful resources. Download a copy using the following links: Understanding - Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Personality Disorder, Self Harm, Psychosis and Are you worried about Suicide
How to cope as a carer: Help and guidance for carers from SAMH
What's the Message handouts:
ABC and Behaviour Recording chart
WTM Handouts: Foundation Course